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Estrada Brainstorms

Instant Inspiration! Ideas for using your Estrada Web site.

10 Great Uses for the Media Brick
Ten tips for using the Estrada media brick feature to efficiently organize and display images, sound, video, document, and other media files on your Web site

Enhancing Your Estrada Search Engine's Performance
A paper to Web site administrators and authors in using their Estrada search engines more productively

Publishing and Managing Press Releases Online
A paper to assist media relations and communications professionals in using the Web to publish and manage press releases

In order to view these files, Adobe Acrobat Reader must be loaded on the computer you are using. Download this free program.

Do you have an idea for new items that you’d like to see in the Estrada Library? Would you like to write your own Estrada materials to be considered for inclusion in the library? Let us know! Send your ideas or article to the Estrada librarian using the link below.


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