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Use Information-Rich, Descriptive Titles

When creating page and site bricks, choose information-rich, descriptive titles that contain the words that your site visitors would use when searching. Because it is possible for site contributors to choose the page title search, searches are sometimes limited to only words in page and site brick titles. By using the words in your page brick titles that your visitors are likely to type into the search engine, you increase the likelihood that they will quickly be able to locate the information that they need.

For example, “Transportation Planning and Engineering” may be the name of the department in your company that oversees parking, but visitors to your Internet site are more likely to understand what is on a site for that department if it were named “Parking” or “Parking and Transportation.” (Note that the reverse may be true when creating your Intranet site where an internal audience of employees who are familiar with Transportation Planning and Engineering’s name and function, so the actual department name may be the search term that the Intranet user may be more likely to use.)


Again assuming that a contributor to your site chooses to the page title search option, it is possible that a search may not turn up relevant content on a page if the visitor to your site uses a search term that the title does not contain, or if the search term is plural when the page title uses the singular form of the term.

One solution to this possibility is to insert search terms into page title fields using opening and closing bracket symbols used in HTML tags and an exclamation point so they are not visible on the user side of the site, but the search engine can detect them. To do this, enter a page title as you would normally, then insert the opening bracket symbol

Visitors to your Web site would not be able to see the bracket symbols or words within them, but the search engine can read them. This technique is also useful for anticipating misspellings that a visitor may enter into the search engine. For example, you may choose to add all variant spellings and misspellings of a key search term by using brackets in the page brick title field.

Directions and Messages

You may wish to add messages or directions near where you place a search brick, such as:
  • Advice for visitors on how to enter their search terms. For example, suggest that they include both plural and singular forms of words.
  • For situations in which a search produces no results, consider adding a link below the search brick that directs visitors to a location where a global search for your site is available.

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