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Helping to Achieve and Manage Section 508 Handicapped Accessibility Compliance

A paper to help develop and maintain Web sites that comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 established standards for electronic and information technology

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Estrada Web Technology provides proactive, efficient, cost-effective Web management resources to help government agencies, corporations, and other organizations achieve 508 accessibility compliance.

All U.S. federal agencies must bring their web sites and other electronic information into compliance with section 508 by June 21, 2001.

What is Section 508 and How Does It Affect Me?

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 established standards for electronic and information technology so that individuals with disabilities can use them.

All U.S. federal agencies must bring their web sites and other electronic information into compliance with section 508 by June 21, 2001.

How Estrada Can Help Deliver Section 508 Compliance For Your Web Site

  • Estrada is the only Internet technology on the market that completely separates content from design. The advantage of this approach is that it allows you to set up a template or suite of templates that meet 508 specifications. These templates then control how data is displayed throughout your web site. Your web authors can simply create content without ever having to worry about 508 compliance because the template automatically addresses most design considerations.

  • Estrada is a preventative compliance measure, rather than a postmortem treatment tool. With Estrada, you can solve most Section 508 compliance problems in advance.

  • Efficiency. Because content is separate from design, authors and other stakeholders in your web site don’t have to rely on designers or HTML coders to lay out every single page before a site can be published. Estrada’s efficient web development paradigm eliminates production bottlenecks—allowing for faster development and deployment of a web site or new pages.

  • Estrada provides tools that significantly reduce non-compliant code violations as well as review and workflow protocols that help identify and resolve potential compliance problems before they are published.

  • Easier maintenance. Estrada also heads off potential maintenance headaches. If Section 508 were to be revised or new compliance guidelines are introduced in the future, all you need to do is update your template, which can help you automatically update your site and avoid time-consuming page-by-page redesign.

  • Estrada also heads off potential maintenance headaches. If Section 508 were to be revised or new compliance guidelines are introduced in the future, all you need to do is update your template, which can help you automatically update your site and avoid time-consuming page-by-page redesign.

Other Features

  • Versatility. In addition to Section 508, your templates can also be set up to meet WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) standards, or an also help other HTML compliance standards.

  • Scaleable. Designed specifically to manage large web sites, Estrada is an ideal technology for handling government agency web sites. Estrada has been deployed on sites totaling over 40,000 pages with over 600 authors.

  • Centralized Control, Distributed Authorship. For agencies containing multiple departments, Estrada’s database core makes it easy to avoid the logistical nightmare of trying to maintain and coordinate information on many web sites. Through hierarchical access privileges, an unlimited number of authors can contribute to all or designated areas within your overall web site.

  • Reuse Information. Authors have direct access to all existing information in the database, eliminating the need to retype pages of redundant data. They can easily re-use content by embedding it into their web pages. Best of all, Estrada makes sure that reused content throughout the site is always kept up-to-date.

  • Lower Development and Maintenance Costs. Anyone who can use a word processor can use Estrada, allowing your existing staff to create web content with minimum training. Not only will Estrada save you money by not having to add new information technology staff to your payroll but also but also help to keep your web sites up to date because the people who generate the information can also be the ones to update it on the web.

  • Security and Staging. For situations requiring stringent content delivery control or reviews prior to publication of new content, Estrada provides content staging. When it is employed, a designated individual or individuals must explicitly approve changes before they go into production.

  • Extendable Functionality. Estrada is more than an application; it’s a development platform. Whatever your needs, new functionalities can be added—developed either by Gandalf Development, Inc. or by your own programming staff.

The Law: Section 508 of the Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards


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