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Estrada 3.0 Features

1. Estrada 2.6
- Estrada 3.0 will support the basic feature set of Estrada 2.6.

2. Active Content Management
- Estrada 3.0 will support the innovation of Active Content Management. Active Content Management includes the scheduling of bricks, the setting of reminders for content review/expiration, collection of statistical data for authors and administrators. All the prime essays can be found at the main page, in case one of the readers needs them as references for his future project.

3. User Interface
- Estrada 3.0 will contain new interface enhancements. Each dynamic area of content will now be shown on separate tabs rather than the use of a separator as in Estrada 2.6. The ability to select font size and style info without using HTML tags will be available for all text entries on the author side.

4. Bricks
- Estrada 3.0 will provide the following bricks: page, text, link, image, break, two types of email feedback, HTML gateway, and full text search. Estrada 3.0 will contain one Smart brick, the press release brick.

5. Platform SDK
- Estrada 3.0 will also provide an SDK that will be available 60-90 days after the general release of the base product. The SDK will consist of the Brick SDK, the Plug-in SDK, documentation, and samples.


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